Introduction to the concept of mobbing

Introduction to the concept of mobbing

"Through their national work environmental acts Sweden, Finland and Norway support the rights of workers to remain both physically and mentally healthy at work. Yet, in recent years, a workplace-related psychosocial problem has been discovered, the existence and extent of which was not known earlier.

This phenomenon has been referred to as "mobbing", "ganging up on someone", "bullying" or "psychological terror". In this type of conflict, the victim is subjected to a systematic, stigmatizing process and encroachment of his or her civil rights. If it lasts a number of years, it may ultimately lead to ejection from the labor market when the individual in question is unable to find employment due to mental injury sustained at the former work place.

I introduced this phenomenon in 1984. It certainly is a very old one, well known in every culture from the very beginning of these cultures. Nevertheless, it has not been systematically described until the research started in 1982 which led to a small scientific report written in the fall of 1983 and published in early 1984 at The National Board of Occupational Safety and Health in Stockholm, Sweden

(Leymann & Gustavsson, 1984)"

sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2007

Administração da Carris recua e já não penaliza grevistas

A administração da Carris decidiu retirar as penalizações contra os cerca de 250 trabalhadores que exerceram o seu direito à greve no passado dia 30 de Maio.

Os grevistas estavam impedidos de recorrer a horas extraordinárias, fundamentais para compensar os salários baixos.

Ontem, o bloco de esquerda reuniu com dois sindicatos, pediu explicações ao ministro Mário Lino e anunciou que ia pedir a intervenção imediata da inspecção-geral do trabalho.

No mesmo dia, o governo emitiu um comunicado revelando que deu instruções à administração da Carris para o "escrupuloso cumprimento da legislação aplicável em matérias laborais", tendo a administração negado que estivesse em curso qualquer represália sobre os grevistas.

O soube que durante a madrugada de hoje a administração voltou atrás e permitiu que os trabalhadores grevistas marcassem no seu horário a realização de serviço extraordinário.
